Be a respected leader who gets results and whom others want to work for.

Join the waitlist for your premium, no-cost leadership training.

A premium leadership course - at no cost

Why This Course?

The goal of this course is simple: to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to lead effectively. Whether you’re a new leader, an experienced manager, or someone preparing to step into leadership, this course gives you what you need to succeed.

Why Are We Offering This for No-Cost?

Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars for leadership training, you can access this premium course at no cost.


Leadership is the single most critical factor for an organization’s success—from its culture to its results. We believe that everyone, everywhere should have access to the tools they need to lead well.

  • Accessibility Matters: Leaders in many countries could never afford the cost of much of the training out there. Nonprofits often operate on tight budgets, and even corporations miss out on making leadership development a priority.
  • Creating a World of Great Leaders: Imagine the impact if organizations worldwide were filled with leaders who led well! We want to create a world where great leadership is the norm, not the anomaly. 

What do we ask from you? To consider paying it forward and letting 3 people know about this opportunity. 

The success of your team (or organization) depends on your leadership.

What Makes This Course Different?

  1. It’s not meant to be a one-and-done course.
    Too often, training is “one-and-done.” You take it over a day or two, then it’s never mentioned again and forgotten. 

    Our goal is to make it long-term and help it stick. 

  1. It’s based on principles.

    This course doesn’t focus on helping you find your “leadership style” or revolve around a single person’s anecdotal experience. Insead, it’s focused on the timeless principles of leadership. Follow the principles, you can be effective. If you don’t, it doesn’t matter your style or strengths, you won’t. 

  1. It’s not just conceptual – it’s practical and applicable

    Instead of just giving you the overal concepts of leadership, our goal is to give you the applicable steps you can take to apply them in your daily work and leadership. 

Who Is This Course For?

  • New Leaders: Starting your leadership journey? We’ll help you build a strong foundation.
  • Experienced Leaders: If you’ve been leading for years but never had proper training, this course is for you.
  • Aspiring Leaders: Learn what it takes to lead effectively before stepping into your first role.

What Will You Learn?

    • The Basics of Leadership: What it is, what it isn’t, and how to avoid common pitfalls.
    • Timeless Leadership Principles: Follow these and succeed; ignore them, and struggle.
    • Critical Mindsets and Actions: Adopt the habits that effective leaders live by.
    • Secrets of Communication: Learn how to communicate effectively with those around you. 
    • Building High-Performing Teams: Create motivated, loyal, and productive teams.
    • Confident Decision-Making: Make the call, even with limited information.
    • Dealing with Conflict: Gain the right perspective on conflict and handle it effectively. 
    • Effective Feedback: Give constructive, actionable feedback your team will value.
    • Overcoming Self-Doubt: Build confidence and trust in your leadership abilities.
    • And More…

Join the Waitlist

When you join the waitlist, you will become part of our Leadership+ community and and receive updates on the course as well as tips, tools, and lessons you can use now in your leadership

To join, insert your information below and then click the red button:

By joining you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe at any time.  

A few FAQs

Will it be available to organizations?

Yes, organizations will be able to sign up their employees once the course is launched.

Will you sell anything?

Yes. We may offer various opportunities that go beyond – we want to eat, too😊 But the goal of the course is for anyone to know how and have the practical tools to lead once they finish the course. 

How soon will it be ready?

No set release date. We plan to do it section by section, and we’ll likely release each part as we go to those interested in taking it and giving feedback. 

How can I help?

Spread the word! Share this page with others so they can join to. And, please, give feedback. Let us know how we can improve in any way. 

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