The success of your project, team, business, or organization depends on your level of leadership.
Raise your level of leadership today.
Leadership is important...
Leadership is the difference between success and failure for any team and organization. Example after example has shown that you can have the same people and get completely different results.
If you want your team to succeed, if you want your organization to succeed, you need to be the best leader you can be, and you need your organization to have great leadership throughout.
However, leadership is struggling today...
How do we know leadership is struggling? You’ve probably know from experience from different bosses and institutions you’ve dealt with. You can also see the general distrust many have toward businesses and our government leaders. More than that, you can look at the stats:
- 80% of employees worldwide are NOT engaged – Gallup
- “50% of Americans have left a job to ‘get away from their manager at some point in their career.'” – Gallup
- 84% say that managers create unneccessary stress – SHRM
And those are just a few stats. Then if you look at the Great Resignation and the people who leave because of toxic cultures (and the culture is created by the leader), you can see we have an issue.
Why is leadership struggling?
Despite the billions spent on leadership, the leadership in our schools, our businesses, our government, and elsewhere is not where it needs to be, and we are suffering for it. Why is leadership struggling? Here are a few reasons why:
Conventional thinking (conventional wisdom) is often wrong or just plain superficial.
Much of what is out there today isn’t helpful, and if you follow it, it will hurt you as a leader. Often things are assumed to be true because they are popular, even when they aren’t, and then they are repeated, and the unfortunate cycle continues.
There's a misunderstanding of leadership and its importance.
Some of this goes back to conventional wisdom. It’s also because many aren’t taught or taught well so their understanding of leadership is based on what they’ve seen or based on a misunderstanding of what leadership is. Organizations don’t teach it like they should and others don’t take the time to really learn it because they don’t understand how vital it is.
Much of the training out there doesn't work.
This happens for a number of reasons: sometimes the training is just on theories and conventional wisdom and doesn’t actually teach how to lead; sometimes it’s focused on the duties of a manager or the position and is light on actual principles of leadership; it’s also often taught by people who really don’t understand leadership, which ties into the other two reasons; and often leadership is treated as a one-and-done training which doesn’t help with long-term growth.
What you can do about it..
We’ve taken the guess work out of leadership.
Instead of spending hours researching, studying, and reading book after book, we’ve done that for you.
We’ve sorted, synthesized, and filtered the information out there so you can quickly and easily learn what you need to excel even more as a leader.
What We Teach...
We don’t base what we teach merely on anecdotal experience or what we’ve done – instead, we’ve spent hours studying and researching what makes great leadership. We brought together all the information, synthesized it, filtered out what isn’t helpful, and we give you the principles and practices that great leaders follow.
Why this is important
Anecdotal experience isn’t all bad – in fact, we’ve looked at other people’s experience – but just because something seemed to work in a certain situation for that person doesn’t mean it will work in every situation or that it was truly effective.
We as humans are often blind to ourselves. Many leaders think they are doing a great job but are surprised when others think differently. Sometimes things seem to work temporarily, but long-term, they fail. Sometimes something just happens to work that one time (like someone happening to get lucky in a really risky investment venture), but it doesn’t mean it’s wise to follow that example. Just because someone “made money” for their organization doesn’t mean they led well or that the actions they took to show that profit isn’t hurting the organization long-term.
We Are
The Exceptional Skills
Our mission is to give people the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in work in life – and a big part of that is leadership.
Over the past few years, we have helped over 521,317 people become better leaders, communicators, time managers, problem solvers, decision makers, and more through the resources we provide.